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A holistic view of the scientific endeavour

Having supervised many BSc and MSc students has given me the opportunity to develop a lab philosophy for mentoring. I realised that synergistic interactions between supervisors and students spontaneously emerge by balancing technical and personal development. A clear set of roles and responsibilities also contributes to goal development and achievement. I have also acquired pedagogical training at Umeå University in Sweden that has strongly influenced my views on the role of mentorship in learning. Here are the five most important lab statements that I want to promote in my research:


Open communication for the improvement of research projects and people. 


A right balance between the student's personal development and research progress as a holistic view of the scientific endeavour. 


Clarity of responsibilities to manage expectations.


Integration of new and classical technologies to deliver mechanistic insights of biological processes.


To deliver scientific knowledge that makes a difference through hypothesis-driven research.

Useful References

Weiss KM. The Four Horsemen of the ‘Omicsalypse’: ontology, replicability, probability and epistemology. Human Genetics. 2020 Jan;139(1):115-20.

Brodin E, Lindén J, Sonesson A, Lindberg-Sand Å. Doctoral supervision in theory and practice. Studentlitteratur AB; 2020.

Gurr GM. Negotiating the" Rackety Bridge"—a dynamic model for aligning supervisory style with research student development. Higher Education Research & Development. 2001 May 1;20(1):81-92.

Hockey J. A contractual solution to problems in the supervision of PhD degrees in the UK. Studies in Higher Education. 1996 Jan 1;21(3):359-71.

© 2019 David A. Cisneros.

david.cisneros at

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